You’ve conquered your final exams and graduated high school. Now, it’s time to secure that official document that proves your achievement, the Matric certificate.

This valuable piece of paper is your passport to further education and training opportunities.

Whether you plan to enroll at a university, pursue a vocational course, or enter the workforce, your Matric certificate is often a prerequisite.

How To Apply For Your Matric Certificate

There are two main scenarios to consider when applying for your Matric certificate:

  1. First-time application: This applies to recent graduates who have just completed their final year of high school.
  2. Replacement application: This applies to individuals who have lost or damaged their original Matric certificate.

First-time application for Matric Certificate

If you’ve just graduated, your school will typically handle the initial application process for you.

They will collect the necessary information and documentation from all graduates and submit a bulk application to the Department of Basic Education (DBE) or the relevant provincial education department (PED).

Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Your school will provide you with an application form to complete. Ensure you fill it out accurately and submit it by the deadline.
  2. You might need to pay an administration fee. Your school will advise you on the fee structure and payment methods.
  3. The DBE or PED will process your application and verify your results.
  4. Once approved, your certificate will be sent to your school for distribution to graduates. This process can take several months, so be patient.

Replacement application for Matric Certificate

If you’ve lost or damaged your Matric certificate, you’ll need to apply for a replacement. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Online application: You can apply online through the e-Matric e-Re-Issue service on the e-Government portal ( This is the quickest and most convenient method.
  2. In-person application: Visit your nearest DBE or PED office to collect an application form. Submit the completed form along with the required documents in person.

Here’s what you’ll need for a replacement application (both online and in-person):

  1. Completed application form
  2. Affidavit stating what happened to your original certificate (lost or damaged)
  3. Original national/senior certificate (if damaged, not applicable for lost certificates)
  4. Certified copy of your ID document
  5. Proof of payment of the administration fee (The fee can vary, so check with the DBE or PED for current rates).