Does NSFAS Fund Advanced Diploma?

NSFAS is about helping you get an undergraduate degree, like a bachelor’s. They can also help with some longer courses at TVET colleges.

But here’s the thing: They don’t give money for short courses like Advanced Diplomas. Think of it like this: NSFAS is your mate for the long haul, not a quick weekend course.

An advanced diploma is a lighter version of a bachelor’s degree. It takes less time to finish, so NSFAS figures you won’t need their help as much. They want to focus their funds on students doing more extended studies.

  • NRF (National Research Foundation): These guys are like another bursary scheme for postgraduate studies, such as master’s or Ph.D. degrees. If your AD is a stepping stone to bigger things, they might be able to assist.

What about changing institutions? Does NSFAS funding follow you?

It depends on where you’re moving to, braai. Here’s the skinny:

  • Public to Private: If you’re already getting NSFAS cash at a public university and want to switch to private, you must let them know ASAP. Update your details on your MyNSFAS account, and your old institution can help forward the information.
  • Private to Public: This is a tough one. Changing institutions to get funding isn’t usually a winning strategy.
  • Public to Public: No sweat! If you’re moving between public institutions, your funding should flow smoothly, so you need to bother NSFAS again.

So, what about diplomas in Marketing? Does NSFAS cover those?

Ja, if it’s a NATED course registered at a public institution, NSFAS can help. remember, they only deal with public institutions, not private ones.