The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) in South Africa plays a crucial role in providing financial support to employees who lose their jobs.

Whether you’ve been retrenched, are on maternity leave, or are claiming due to illness, the UIF offers a vital safety net during challenging times.


The UIF USSD number is a free service accessible from any mobile phone with an active signal.

USSD stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service Data.

It’s a technology that allows interaction with a service through a menu displayed on your phone’s screen.

Here’s how to access the UIF USSD service:

  1. Open your phone’s dial pad.
  2. Dial *134*843#.
  3. You will receive a menu with various options. Follow the on-screen prompts to navigate and complete your chosen action.

What is the UIF USSD Number Used For?

The UIF USSD number offers a range of functionalities, encouraging you to manage your UIF interactions directly from your phone:

  1. Check Claim and Payment Status: This is a valuable feature, especially for those claiming unemployment benefits. You can use the USSD service to view the progress of your claim and track any payments made into your account.
  2. Employee Registration: If you haven’t registered for UIF yet, the USSD number provides a convenient way to initiate the process. Follow the prompts to register your details electronically.
  3. Payment Continuation: This option allows contributors who are no longer employed but wish to continue contributing voluntarily to the UIF to do so. This can be beneficial for those who are self-employed or freelancers and want to maintain their UIF eligibility.
  4. General Enquiries: The USSD menu offers a general enquiries option. This allows you to submit basic questions about the UIF and its services. You will then receive a response via SMS.