How to Apply for a Bursary in South Africa

Do you want to apply for a bursary but are not sure how to go about it? Well, dear student, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, I will be going into details about the whole idea of bursaries, including how to apply for them, how to submit them, and also, who qualifies to win them.

What is a Bursary?

A bursary is a financial scholarship offered to students based on specific criteria, such as their academic merit, financial need, and chosen field of study.

Unlike a loan, a bursary does not need to be repaid, this makes it a great financial aid source for South African students who wish to pursue their educational goals.

How to Apply for a Bursary in South Africa

Securing a bursary requires a lot of dedication and intense preparation. Here’s a simple guide to help you with the application process:

  1. Research: The first thing you need to do is research. You must browse the internet thoroughly to make sure you’ve seen and read about all the bursary opportunities available for someone in your field.
  2. Eligibility Requirements: Each bursary has specific requirements so ensure you meet the criteria before investing time and effort into an application. Common criteria include:
    • Citizenship: Most bursaries are for South African citizens or permanent residents.
    • Academic record: Strong academic performance is often required.
    • Field of study: Some bursaries are specific to certain fields like engineering, medicine, or business.
    • Financial need: Proof of financial hardship may be necessary.
  3. Application Documents: Gather all the required documents, including:
    • Certified copies of your academic records: Matric certificate or university transcripts.
    • Proof of identity: South African ID or permanent residence permit.
    • Proof of financial need: Parents’ or guardians’ income statements or proof of unemployment.
    • Motivational letter: This is your chance to shine. Explain your academic goals, financial situation, and how the funding will help you achieve your dreams.
    • Additional documents: Some bursaries may require additional documents like references or essays.
  4. Application Process: Follow the specific instructions of each bursary. Some bursaries have online application forms, while others require postal submissions.
  5. Deadlines: Be mindful of application deadlines. Missing a deadline can disqualify you from being considered.
  6. After submitting your application, follow up with the funding provider to confirm receipt and express your continued interest.

How do you email a bursary application?

When emailing a funding application, always stay formal and professional. Include a clear subject line mentioning the bursary name and your full name.

Briefly introduce yourself and your academic aspirations in the body of the email.

Finally, you must attach your application documents in a professional format (e.g., PDFs named with your surname and the bursary name). Proofread your email several times before sending it.

Who can apply for a bursary in South Africa?

The eligibility criteria for bursaries are normally different with every organization, but some general requirements include:

  1. South African citizenship or permanent residency: Some bursaries may be open to international students, but this is less common.
  2. Academic merit: Most bursaries require good academic results in matric and/or at tertiary level.
  3. Financial need: Proof of your financial situation is often required to demonstrate the need for financial assistance.
  4. Field of study: Many bursaries are tied to specific fields, so ensure your chosen field aligns with the bursary criteria.

Remember, bursaries are competitive, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed at first.

Keep applying, refine your application strategy, and network with relevant organizations and individuals.