The SRD grant is offered by SASSA, this grant provides R350 per month to unemployed individuals without other income sources.

To receive the SRD grant, applicants undergo an assessment by SASSA. Commonly, applications are declined due to a “UIF Registered” status, indicating the applicant is on the UIF database or receiving UIF benefits.

Canceling UIF for R350 Approval

If declined due to being “UIF Registered,” applicants can appeal through SASSA. This can be easily done online:

  1. Visit
  2. Go to ‘Application for Reconsideration’
  3. Click the yellow bar
  4. Fill in the required information

Checking UIF Status

To confirm UIF status, register on uFiling:

  1. Visit
  2. Click ‘Register’
  3. Follow displayed instructions
  4. Log in and click ‘View My UIF Contributions’

Appealing Declined SRD Grant

If declined due to UIF, confirm you’re not owed UIF funds:

  1. Visit to register
  2. If owed UIF, apply for UIF benefits
  3. If not owed UIF, appeal to SASSA via

Appealing “UIF Registered” Status

Submit an appeal to SASSA with necessary information:

  1. Visit
  2. Provide ID, name, gender, contact, address
  3. Sign the declaration

Why SASSA States “UIF Registered”

“UIF Registered” status means the applicant is on UIF or received UIF payments. Since SRD grant recipients cannot have other income, appeals can be lodged within 30 days through SASSA.

Steps If SRD Grant is Declined

Check UIF status at If not owed UIF funds, appeal through SASSA. Await verification and communication from SASSA.

Claiming both SASSA and UIF

No, you can’t. Eligibility for one disqualifies from the other. Both require no other income sources. Applying for both will result in inevitable rejection.