With every essential service in South Africa moving online or having online presence, managing essential services like the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) has become very easy.

Currently, it is possible to check your UIF Status Online,

Whether you’re an employee, employer, practitioner, or delegate, the UIF online portal offers a convenient platform to access vital information and services.

How to Check UIF Status Online

Checking your UIF status online is a straightforward process:

  1. Visit the UIF Website: Access the official UIF uFiling portal at https://ufiling.labour.gov.za/uif/.
  2. Click on “UIF Benefits”: Go to the “UIF Benefits” tab on the main menu.
  3. Register or Login: Create a new account or log in if you’re already registered.
  4. Check UIF Status: Enter your ID number and submit to view your UIF status. An “Active” status indicates eligibility for benefits, while “Inactive” status means you’re not contributing currently.

Who is Eligible for UIF?

Employees: Can submit claims, request payments, view claims history, and more.

Domestic Employers: Can register, declare, and verify contributions.

Practitioners: Can register employers, submit declarations, and manage details.

Third-Party Delegates: Can declare and pay on behalf of an organization.

Commercial Employers: Can register, manage declarations, and verify contributions.

Requirements for UIF Benefits Application

To apply for UIF benefits, you must meet specific requirements:

Be legally employed in South Africa.

Experience unemployment due to valid reasons like retrenchment or dismissal.

Be registered as a work seeker with the Department of Employment and Labour.

Have paid UIF contributions while employed.

Provide necessary documentation including banking details, ID copy, termination proof, and employment history.

How to Apply for UIF Using uFiling

  1. Visit the uFiling Website: Go to http://ufiling.labour.gov.za/uif/.
  2. Register and Log In: Create a profile and log in to access benefits.
  3. Navigate to “Benefit Application and Payments”: Click on “Apply for Benefits.”
  4. Select “Unemployment Benefits”: Choose this option and proceed with the application.
  5. Complete Required Information: Provide accurate banking and personal details, employment history, and work seeker details.
  6. Submit Application: Click on “Submit” and await confirmation of successful submission via email.