You have to login into the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) dashboard to apply for benefits or update your information.

How to Login to UIF ufiling Portal

  1. Visit the UIF Website: Go to
  2. Enter Credentials: Input your Username and Password.
  3. Tap on Login: Click on the Login button to access your account.

By following these steps, users can easily access the UIF portal and proceed with their required tasks.

Connecting to UIF Free WiFi

The UIF provides free WiFi access at all Labour Centers, facilitating convenient online services for clients. Here’s how to connect:

  1. Enable WiFi: Switch on the WiFi function on your Smartphone.
  2. Connect to DEL GUEST: Look for the DEL GUEST network and connect to it.
  3. Access Services: Open your web browser and visit
  4. Select Service: Choose your preferred online service, such as ufiling, Return of Earnings, or Employment Equity.

Following these steps allows users to utilize the free WiFi provided by the UIF for accessing online services seamlessly.

Applying for UIF Unemployment Benefits Using ufiling Portal

Applying for UIF Unemployment Benefits through the ufiling portal is a straightforward process. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Visit the Portal: Go to
  2. Register/Login: Tap on Register Now under Login/Register and login to your ufiling dashboard.
  3. Navigate to Benefit Application: Select benefit application and payments.
  4. Apply for Benefits: Tap on “apply for benefits” and choose unemployment benefits.
  5. Provide Information: Fill in accurate banking details and personal information.
  6. Complete Application: Provide details about work experience and academic qualifications. Indicate your employment status.
  7. Submit Application: Preview the application summary and submit.

By following these steps, users can successfully apply for UIF Unemployment Benefits online through the ufiling portal.

Submitting a UIF Continuation of Payment on UFiling

For individuals needing to submit a continuation of payment on UFiling, here’s a quick guide:

  1. Login: Enter your username and password on the UIF ufiling portal.
  2. Select Option: Tap on “Benefit Applications and Payments” and choose “Continuation of Benefits.”
  3. Provide Details: Select the appropriate benefit, confirm banking and personal details, and indicate your employment status.
  4. Submit: Once all information is accurate, submit the continuation of payment application.

Upon successful submission, users will receive confirmation of their application.

Updating PAYE on UIF Database

Updating the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) number on the UIF database is crucial for accurate records. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Download Form: Download the UIF Form from the website.
  2. Complete Form: Fill out the necessary details and gather required supporting documents, such as SARS certificate and CIPC registration documents.
  3. Email Submission: Send the completed form and supporting documents to [email protected].

By following these steps, users can ensure their PAYE information is updated on the UIF database efficiently.