Unisa Postgraduate Bursary | Guide To Apply

Many South African graduates aspire to continue their education through postgraduate studies.

However, the financial burden can often impose a significant barrier.

Fortunately, the University of South Africa (UNISA) offers a great Postgraduate Bursary opportunity to help take away this concern and support hardworking students.

About the Unisa Postgraduate Bursary

The UNISA Postgraduate Bursary is a merit-based award designed to assist financially disadvantaged South African citizens with pursuing postgraduate studies at UNISA.

This bursary caters to various postgraduate qualifications, including:

  1. Master’s Degree (by research, coursework, or experimental research)
  2. Doctoral Degree
  3. Postgraduate Diploma and Honours

The bursary covers tuition fees and, in some cases, offers a research allowance, easing the financial burden for recipients and allowing them to focus on their academic pursuits.

Unisa Postgraduate Bursary Application Form

As of now, there are no physical application forms. All applications are submitted electronically through the myUnisa portal. To access the application form:

  1. Visit the myUnisa portal.
  2. Log in using your student credentials.
  3. Go to the Student Admin tab.
  4. Select Financial Aid and then Bursaries.
  5. Choose Postgraduate Bursaries.
  6. Click on the “Click here to apply” link.

The application process involves:

  1. Completing the online form, providing details like personal information, academic record, and financial circumstances.
  2. Uploading supporting documents such as academic transcripts, proof of citizenship, and income statements.
  3. Ensuring all information is accurate and complete before submitting the application.

The Unisa Postgraduate Bursary Requirements

To be eligible for the Unisa Postgraduate Bursary, you must meet the following criteria:

Postgraduate Diploma and Honours Bursary:

  1. You must be a South African citizen
  2. You must have completed an undergraduate NQF level 7 qualification (degree or advance diploma) at UNISA, latest by 31 January 2024.
  3. You must be temporarily registered for registration to be activated once your application is successful
  4. You must have achieved a minimum overall average of 60% for your entire undergraduate qualification
  5. You must be a South African Postgraduate Diploma or Honours students in your 2nd year of study, and have passed at least 3 postgraduate modules in the same Postgraduate qualification
  6. You must not be a Graduate School of Business Leadership student, who is registered for a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management or a Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management
  7. You must not be registered for special study programs, including certificates (PGCE) and non-degree purpose programs.
  8. You must not already hold a postgraduate degree at the same or a higher NQF level to the qualification registered for.
  9. You must not be a permanent staff member at Unisa.

Master’s and Doctoral bursary:

  1. You must be a South African citizen or an international student.
  2. You must be temporarily registered for registration to be activated once your application is successful
  3. Master’s and Doctoral research students: you must have completed your Research Proposal module by no later than 31 January 2024 and must have a completed supervisor’s report that recommends financial support based on academic performance
  4. You must have passed 2 coursework modules by no later than 31 January 2024 (Master’s by coursework students).
  5. You must have passed all modules by no later than 31 January 2024, must be doing research, and must have a completed supervisor’s report that recommends financial support based on academic performance in the coursework modules completed. (Master’s by coursework students).
  6. You must not be a first year Master’s or Doctoral student.
  7. You must not be registered for Masters of Business Administration and Masters of business Leadership.
  8. You must not be registered for special study programs, including certificates (e.g., PGCE) and non-degree purpose programs.
  9. You must not hold a postgraduate degree at the same or a higher NQF level to the qualification registered for.
  10. You must not be a permanent staff member at Unisa.

The Unisa Postgraduate Bursary Closing Date

The application period for the Unisa Postgraduate Bursary typically opens in August and closes in January of the following year.

For the 2024 academic year, the application cycle ended on 25 January 2024 after an extension.

For any inquiries regarding the Unisa Postgraduate Bursary, you can contact the Unisa Student Financial Aid office through email at: [email protected].